I laughed when I read that article where it said that those who are anointed do not search out other anointed ones and gather together as a select group separate from the congregation to discuss the bible together.
(Paragraph 7) "Anointed Christians do not feel that they should spend time only with other anointed ones, as if they were members of an exclusive club. They do not search out other anointed ones, hoping to discuss their anointing with them or to form private groups for Bible study."
But wait a minute! Isn't that exactly what the Governing Body members do!?
And then wait for it...." We should not treat anointed ones or any others who take the lead as though they were celebrities."(See paragraph 8)
Again has anyone broken this apparent new light to the individual Governing Body members who appear in numerous selfies taken by their fans at all the conventions they are flown in for.
A clear case of "do as I say and not do as I do."